Another Swindell Win 3rd Night

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Dad did it on night two and now on night three Kevin blasts into clear win in the John Chistner Trucking  qualifying feature. Starting off pole Swindell soon started to set a fast pace with Jerry Coons jr pushing hard to stay close .

The Feature was no different to earlier races with stoppages the order of the day . After the first restart Coons Jr  showed more speed and chased Swindell hard and in fact made a pass only to loose the lead on the next lap .

As the race started to settle ,Coons Jr was starting to come under pressure first from Brad Sweet and a fast arriving McCreadie.

The cushion was difficult , it was large muckie and treacherous

While Swindell was comfortable in the lead McCreadie from 15th appeared to be a real threat to Coons who had already lost his second place to Sweet.

McCreadie soon had Coons Jr’s measure and moved into third and a spot in the Saturday nights final.

As the white  flag came out Swindell powered through  the final lap with a clear lead over Sweet and the fast finishing McCreadie.

Another Swindell win as they chase the Golden Driller together.

During the post race press conference Kevin was asked if there was any difference between his car and Sammy’s . The answer “his seat is bigger than mine ”

Kevin Swindell T Shirt

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